
Showing posts from May, 2020


From "The Craziness of Moriah Snell" If you are tracking my new schedule, you know that it's time for my blog original story Urban Fairies . This is a story I started just for fun, and I thought y'all might enjoy it as well. We'll see how this goes... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Via Pinterest The Magic Brew hopped with customers, and I watched them through blurry eyes. How long had I been in this corner? I glanced at the row of empty espresso cups. Fifteen. Maybe all night, then. I sighed. My presentation was due in a couple hours. I powered my laptop down and then stood up. Weaving through the crowd, I made my way to the counter. The barista saw me and shook his head. “Eric, no more coffee. Go home,” he said. I shook my head, my orange hair swinging into my eyes. “A large latte with a double shot of charisma and a shot of….” My mouth stumbled over itself, but the other barista glanced at me, grinning. “A sho...

May 2020 Writing Process

From "Writer's Life" in "Writing Help" Per  my new schedule , today's post is about my present writing process. (Can I just take a moment to say, I really enjoy having a schedule?)  I think I have a fairly average writing routine. I did start back to work, so there's not as much writing happening at the moment. However, I'm during what I can to meet my monthly goal (5k words). From "Advice" in "Writing Help" So on an average day, I start writing after lunch or after my "real job". I grab my chromebook and head to wherever is convenient. Right now, that's usually the family room couch. I begin by checking my email and other online stuff. Once that's out of the way, I fire up Google docs and open the document titled "TDS2, Rewrite". This, of course, is The Dragon's Skin  (as opposed to TDS1, The Dragons' Stones ). I usually scroll Pinterest or find something on Youtube as it loads. Both Youtube an...

Teaser Tuesday, May 2020 ~ THE DRAGON'S SKIN

From "Books, Movies, Coffee, Etc" I'm hoping that this snippet from The Dragon's Skin  can maybe be a part of such a moment for you. Personally, rainy nights are my favorite time to edit a WIP. Something about the rhythm of raindrops just finds its way into my words. (It's a weird writer thing, I guess.) Today, according to my  new schedule , is a #TeaserTuesday. So let's look at a teaser!! A little context: This is narrated from Ciara's point of view, and she just learned some... interesting informaton. From "The Dragon Books" What had happened? How had everything gone wrong so quickly? Aleksander was back. It was supposed to be wonderful. It wasn’t. I sucked air in, and my chest heaved. I couldn’t breathe. I’d lost him. I’d lost Aleksander. My hands covered my eyes, my cheeks, my mouth. What had happened? Aleksander, who were you? I didn’t know anymore, and it shook everything. My heart tightened, too small for this. Tears fell from my face, bu...

May 2020 WIP Update

From "The Craziness of Moriah Snell" I'm so glad to see April go. It was a long and busy month. Thankfully, things here in Georgia are slowly coming out of quarantine. My "real" job is opening up soon, which is great! However, it also means less writing and blogging time, so there's that. From "Writer's Life" in "Writing Help" But despite all that, I'm here today to kick off my new blogging schedule. (See the entire schedule  here .) Presently, I'm still working on The Dragon's Skin . From "The Dragon Books" At the moment, The Dragon's Skin  has a word count of 42,642. I'd like to get over 50,000, of course, but I still have three or so chapters to write. Then of course comes the beloved editing part (insert sarcasm here). The characters are giving me a little trouble though, so it probably won't be that simple. Via Pinterest My word count goal for April was 2500 words. I ...