Starting 2025: An Open Letter to my Mom
Via Google Hey Mom, It's me again. I'm sorry; I wasn't planning on writing you again. But um, I'm really scared right now, and I wish you were here to reassure me. See, 2024 ended kinda rough. And 2025... 2025 is looking like it's going to be a big scary year. I guess I should tell you about 2024 first. A friend walked out. Someone I trusted. They said they cared. They said they would help. They didn't. It's left my little family scrambling. It doesn't feel like we have a lot of support. My in-laws can't seem to make up their minds about me. One day, they say I need to fix my life on my own. The next, they want to help and listen. I don't get it, and I don't know what to do. I spent Christmas alone because we weren't sure if I would be welcomed. That sucked a lot. We're moving soon. We're leaving the town we both grew up in and love so much. I don't know the city we're moving to very well. And it's a temporary move too...