From My Lifeblood ~ Writing Isn't that the most awesome thing?!?! It's accurate, humorous, and writer-ish. Why didn't I come up with that? A huge thank you to whoever made it! The same board As a shout out everyone braving #NaNoWriMo, I'm rounding up a few of my favorite writer websites. More accurately, these are simply four sites that help my writing. They arrange from obvious sites to some you might not guess. Let's go! 1. Helping Writers Become Authors is run by K.M. Weiland. She's an award-winning author. Featuring thousands of posts about story theory, structure, worldbuilding, and every other writing subject, it's an a treasure trove of knowledge. And it gets better. Weiland also responds to any writing question you email her, and for an easy starting place, check out the Storytelling According to Marvel Series . 2. Gail Carson Levine runs a blog of mainly writing advice that all starts with her readers' question...