An Unofficial Post

From "Books, Movies, Coffee, Etc."

I regret absolutely nothing!! Not one moment!!

From "Books, Movies, Coffee, Etc."

Now, I am utterly brain dead at the moment, So this post is just going to be a meme dump. I think we could all use a laugh at this point. Hopefully this will give it to us, yeah?

A coffee  for you from me

I think I'm at like a 689 (number of pages in Empire of Storms, the longest book I've finished).

When your favorite character survives until the end of the story... This is a feeling unknown to me.

These pins are all from my pinterest board, BOOKS, MOVIES, COFFEE, ETC.

Now Loki, this could be an opportunity to practice delayed gratification! << AHAHAHA



You can find more pins like these on my AVENGERS ASSEMBLE! board.

All Star Wars memes are from the board, THE FORCE IS STRONG WITH THIS ONE.

No one does stealth like Kronk. And you can't forget the theme-music. It's very important to being quiet.

If Disney is your thing, there's more pins like these on MY CHILDHOOD = DISNEY.

#legolas #aragorn #gimli #andLegolas, Gimli, and Aragorn

All my Lord of the Rings memes can be found in the board, FAR OVER THE MISTY MOUNTAINS.

And yeah, I think we're done. Hope at least one of these made you laugh. If you want to see more, click the links. Maybe take a second to tell me what your favorite meme(s) was, and follow the board it's from for a constant supply of more.

Stay safe, y'all.


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