Top Bullet Journal Supplies to Boost Creativity

Dutch Door Ideas for your Bullet Journal
A weekly spread
From "Bullet Journal Inspiration"

I've meant to post everyday this week, but whenever I sit down at my laptop, I need up writing instead. I am here today, however, so let's get started.

Lynn's Bullet Journal | Client Gallery | Jihi Elephant
A monthly spread
From "Bullet Journal Inspiration"

By this point, I'm just going to assume that everyone knows I keep a bullet journal. It's an easy, customizable planner, generally done on dot gird paper. I'm almost through my first one and am eagerly looking forward to setting up my second one.

The basic supplies for bullet journal are the journal itself and a pen. That's it. So it's relatively inexpensive to get started. However, once you get started, it's hard to stop. (Trust me, I have a whole box full of writing utensils.)


Washi Tape: No shame, I love washi tape. It comes in colors; it comes in designs. It's easy to use, and it's inexpensive. I have a similar pack to the one shown above, and I use it a ton

Micron Pens: If you watch any bujo creators, you've probably seen this brand. This is the first set I personally have bought, but I already understand the fuss. They are amazing pens that make small letters and numbers a breeze.

White Gel Pens: In case you don't already know, white gel pens are where it's at, okay? I use mine to write on top of markers or to hide little mistakes. Some people even bullet journal on black paper and use it as their main writing tool.

Crayola Supertip Markers: I have the regular, chunky markers as well, but the supertips are my favorites. They don't bleed through the paper unless you use a ton of ink, you can actually write with them, and the colors are vibrant.

Hipster aesthetics: "Hipster aesthetics"  Hipster aesthetics: “Hipster aesthetics”, #Aesthetics #Hipster  #ArtSuppliesAesthetic
From "Bullet Journal Inspiration"

Those are the supplies I use regularly as I bullet journal. All the links will take you Amazon where you can read a little more about them and decide if they're for you. If you do pick them up, let me know. I'd love to hear your thoughts and how you're using them.

From "The Craziness of Moriah Snell"


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