
Showing posts from June, 2020


Ummm.... Hi... How are you? I didn't post last week.... I forget to. I have a valid explanation, promise. It was a full week in the life of me. But I am here now, so there's that. Today is the second chapter of my blog original, Urban Fairies . If you missed the  first chapter , go read it. ------------------------ It wasn’t great. The power point wasn’t perfect. Sometime between my shower and my presentation, the latte had worn off. Worse, I’d crashed. All the caffeine, all the sugar hit my system and left just as fast. By the time I got everything set up, I knew I would flunk. I’d flunk, and my grade would plummet. This was bad. This was really, really bad. “Eric?” my professor asked, her sharply pointed ears twitching as she studied me. I swallowed. I had to have an Elf for a professor. She’d only been studying and teaching about this for a couple hundred years. She’d only seen a million presentations - all of them way better than mine. She’d probably already fai...

June 2020 Writing Process

From "Advice" in "Writing Help" This is absolutely true of me. How about you? As y'all know, I'm prepping for the editing process of The Dragon's Skin . My goal, as set in  this post , is to comment on Chapters 3 - 15. At the moment, I'm halfway through Chapter 7, which is good. However, I'm going through some changes at my "real job", and I'll be working more than ever. So... we'll see.... From "The Dragon Books" Presently, I don't have a lot of time to write. I'm continuing to track my progress with my bullet journal, but instead of a word count, I'm tracking how much time I spend commenting. I'm hoping this will lead to me feeling like I'm actually working. More than that, I'm working to keep creating as my work life shifts. So right now, I'm trying to dive straight into my book and to cut out all the distractions I can. Which means no Pinterest and no Youtube - as much as possible. From ...


From "Advice" in "Writing Help" As I'm hip deep in the commenting on The Dragon's Skin , I thought that this would be a good time to give y'all a snippet from its predecessor: The Dragons' Stones . A little background, we're dealing with the same main characters - Ciara and Aleksander. They haven't known each other long and don't really trust each other yet. Things are a little tension, since neither of them is willing to drop their guard. Today's snippet is from Aleksander's point of view. Hope you enjoy it!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From "The Dragon Books" I’d fallen asleep under the flashing stars, but now there were none. Only grey sea and black sky surrounded me. Then a yellow streak ripped across the black. An angry roar followed close behind it. Wind and water assaulted my face and made me stagger. Then another wave knocked the Aegir . My feet gave, but I grabbed ...

June 2020 WIP Update

From "Snoopy meets Hobbes" If you didn't laugh at that, I demand to know why not! Via Pinterest So May's writing goal was 5000 words, which would put The Dragon's Skin  at roughly 46,500 words. Its present word count is 45579. So I didn't meet my goal, but, BUT!! I finished the draft!!! *insert squealing here* I'm very, very excited. I feel like this draft has taken forever and had so many holes. Everytime I opened the doc, there was a new problem. It was SOOO frustrating. After six plus, unplanned chapters, this draft is done from start to finish. From "Advice" in "Writing Help" So presently, I'm playing "how many comments can I leave on a chapter?" I started at Chapter One, and I comment on everything. I question everything from my opening sentence to my adjective usage. I plan to do this with the entire book. Then I'll go back to the beginning and answer all my comments. I'll keep y'all posted. My goal for J...