June 2020 Writing Process

I spend more time watching my stories in my head than writing them.
From "Advice" in "Writing Help"

This is absolutely true of me. How about you?

As y'all know, I'm prepping for the editing process of The Dragon's Skin. My goal, as set in this post, is to comment on Chapters 3 - 15. At the moment, I'm halfway through Chapter 7, which is good. However, I'm going through some changes at my "real job", and I'll be working more than ever. So... we'll see....

Those who deny the existence of DRAGONS are often eaten by them.
From "The Dragon Books"

Presently, I don't have a lot of time to write. I'm continuing to track my progress with my bullet journal, but instead of a word count, I'm tracking how much time I spend commenting. I'm hoping this will lead to me feeling like I'm actually working.

More than that, I'm working to keep creating as my work life shifts. So right now, I'm trying to dive straight into my book and to cut out all the distractions I can. Which means no Pinterest and no Youtube - as much as possible.

The Prince Roland | The North Realm
From "The Dragon Books"

We'll see how the rest of June goes, yeah?

From "The Force is Strong with this One"


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