5 Writer Things I Do
I firmly believe this. I have no idea who John Gardner is, but he is a hundred percent correct. If I wasn't a crazy dreamer, I wouldn't write. I would have chosen some other, more stable career. But here I am - crazy as anything and writing all my books.
From My Lifeblood ~ Writing |
Now as a writer, I realize that a lot more than just words goes into my writing process. Some of them are kind of obvious, such as my worldview and the books/movies I enjoy. Some, however, are bit more unusual.
For today's post, I'm just rounding up some of the ones I've come to recognize. I hope to update this train of thought as I spot more and to encourage y'all to discover weird writer things in your own lives.
- I Date Everything: And when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING. From bullet journal entries to story ideas, I write the date for just about anything I do. This partly for copyright purposes and partly for my overflowing memory.
- I Wear Messy Buns: "Top knots, espresso shots; messy buns, gettin' stuff dooonnne!" That's kind of my life. Mainly it works to get it out of my eyes, but I've also noticed that I'm more confident when my hair's up. And a confident writer does more.
- I Follow a Morning Routine: This is a very simple thing (that doesn't always happen), but I find following it makes me more productive for the entire day. It's pretty basic - water, coffee, check my bullet journal, plant myself at the kitchen island, and write until breakfast.
- I Allow Distractions: Now, please note that all distractions should be limited and tightly control so they don't take over the writing time. That said, I usually have Pinterest or youtube open while I'm writing. These giving me places to go when I'm stuck for a minute without getting up. Over all I find that this up my output.
- I Trust a Few People: I have about three, four people who I trust to view my writing at any time, at any point. They serve as my first proofreaders, idea generators, and constant encouragement. Without them, my stories would be less.
From My Lifeblood ~ Writing |
Do any of those resonate with y'all? Do we share any weird writer things? What are your weird writer things? I'd love to know!
Now for y'all's meme.
From The Craziness of Me |
I think those are good quirks! I'm sure I have a few of my own, but I haven't noticed any specific ones...I don't think. That's likely because I "see but do not observe"... I do know that I tend to show everyone absolutely everything I write--assuming they want to see it, which isn't often (sob)--which is probably not very prudent...but I love it so much when people like my writing, that it's worth the risk to me for them to read it and potetially think it's garbage. :D I love reading your writing, by the way, and if you ever want be as a proof-reader, I'd be more than happy! I can never read enough--especially when it's something a friend wrote. :)