
Showing posts from April, 2020

New Blog Schedule + Small Life Update

From "The Craziness of Moriah Snell" Yes, it does. Yes, it does! So before we get into today's post, I just want to share a quick update about my personal life. This is Onyx. So... bad picture, I know, but this one of her favorite positions. She is seven weeks old and a bundle of energy. As I write this, she's happily playing in my lap. Her modes are "eat", "play", and "cuddle". Via Pinterest Okay, now that I got my Onyx love out of the way, let's move onto the actual post. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So I'm not the best at coming up with content all the time. My bullet journal helps, but a lot of the time, I have zero ideas. The end result is bad posts or unofficials posts. I dislike this. So I've come up with a way to hopefully prevent this. I'm going to have...

Head and Heart

Via Pinterest Heart, why is this so hard? Head, why do you worry? Heart, why is all chaos? Head, why crave order? Heart, why do I fear? Head, why don't you trust?

Please Know

Via Pinterest please know i am scared please know i am brave please know i fear hard please know i love deep please know i hear lies please know i need truth

An Unofficial Post

From "Books, Movies, Coffee, Etc." I regret absolutely nothing!! Not one moment!! From "Books, Movies, Coffee, Etc." Now, I am utterly brain dead at the moment, So this post is just going to be a meme dump. I think we could all use a laugh at this point. Hopefully this will give it to us, yeah? These pins are all from my pinterest board,  BOOKS, MOVIES, COFFEE, ETC.   You can find more pins like these on my  AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!  board. All Star Wars memes are from the board,  THE FORCE IS STRONG WITH THIS ONE . If Disney is your thing, there's more pins like these on  MY CHILDHOOD = DISNEY . All my Lord of the Rings  memes can be found in the board,  FAR OVER THE MISTY MOUNTAINS . And yeah, I think we're done. Hope at least one of these made you laugh. If you want to see more, click the links. Maybe take a second to tell me what your favorite meme(s)...

Top Bullet Journal Supplies to Boost Creativity

A weekly spread From "Bullet Journal Inspiration" I've meant to post everyday this week, but whenever I sit down at my laptop, I need up writing instead. I am here today, however, so let's get started. A monthly spread From "Bullet Journal Inspiration" By this point, I'm just going to assume that everyone knows I keep a bullet journal. It's an easy, customizable planner, generally done on dot gird paper. I'm almost through my first one and am eagerly looking forward to setting up my second one. The basic supplies for bullet journal are the journal itself and a pen. That's it. So it's relatively inexpensive to get started. However, once you get started, it's hard to stop. (Trust me, I have a whole box full of writing utensils.) MORIAH'S TOP BULLET JOURNAL SUPPLIES TO BOOST CREATIVITY: Washi Tape:  No shame, I love washi tape. It comes in colors; it comes in designs. It's easy t...