New Blog Schedule + Small Life Update
From "The Craziness of Moriah Snell" Yes, it does. Yes, it does! So before we get into today's post, I just want to share a quick update about my personal life. This is Onyx. So... bad picture, I know, but this one of her favorite positions. She is seven weeks old and a bundle of energy. As I write this, she's happily playing in my lap. Her modes are "eat", "play", and "cuddle". Via Pinterest Okay, now that I got my Onyx love out of the way, let's move onto the actual post. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So I'm not the best at coming up with content all the time. My bullet journal helps, but a lot of the time, I have zero ideas. The end result is bad posts or unofficials posts. I dislike this. So I've come up with a way to hopefully prevent this. I'm going to have...