From August to Today


I know it's been a while. A lot has happened in the last two months of my life. I turned twenty-one, I changed jobs, and I moved out of my parents' house. So yeah. A busy time.

I've also chopped my hair and dyed it copper. It's just one new thing after another. I've chose them all, and I've welcomed them all. It's hard sometimes. It hurts sometimes. But I am closer to who I want to be than I've been in a long time.

My new situation is amazing for me. if you couldn't tell from some of the thing I've posted in the past, I've really struggled with my mental health and expressing my emotions in a positive way. It had reached the point where I felt I was never myself at home. While I love my family, it was not a good situation for me.

I'm currently enjoying life with my cat and my roommate. We're still trying to find our rhythm concerning a few things. For me personally, that includes this blog and my writing in general. It's slowly working its way back into my daily life, and I've written a couple one-offs.

So that's that. I hope to start posting more regularly again, maybe even pick up my old schedule. Thanks for reading.


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