Via Pinterest Please remember that it's okay to cry. Please remember that strength can mean talking too. Please remember that tomorrow brings another sunrise. Please remember that your laugh is a magical thing. Please remember that now will change. Please remember that you are alive for a reason. Please remember that all of this mess will work out. Please remember that hope changes everything. Please remember that dreaming renews your hopes.
From "The Dragon Books" Annnddddd........ We're back for a Teaser Tuesday!!! For anyone who doesn't already know, The Dragons' Stones is the novel I completed last year. It's synopsis is "Princess Ciara must retrieve the fabled Dragons' Stones or face life imprisonment. Aleksander hopes that by helping her with this quest, he will make peace with regrets from his past." From "The Dragon Books" No, I'm not going to tell y'all why this prompt fits into The Dragons' Stones . Just know that applies. Now, it's time for the teaser. Today, it's from Ciara's perspective. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I paused below a window as worry rolled down my shoulders to the ground. I knew. I remembered. I sighed with relief and kept moving until I was out of the village. Beyond it grew a forest. I marched between the trees. The wind hissed among their leaves, and then I...
Via Pinterest Anybody else a little tired of their house? On top of everything else, I don't even have access to my books. I have exactly two books to read, and then I go crazy. Via Pinterest But in all seriousness, I'm using this time to develop some good habits in my daily life. (Or I'm trying to anyway.) As some of you know, my word for 2020 is "RENEWAL". I came out of both 2018 and 2019 with a lot of things I didn't like in my life. So for 2020, I really wanted to - maybe not fix - but definitely improve. That means better habits, better attitude, and better lifestyle. Part of that is in my writing; part of that is other areas. One of the ways I'm working to reshape is through building gratitude in as many ways as I can. Here's how I work gratitude into my everyday life. 3 Things I'm Grateful for Before I Get out of Bed. Once I'm good and awake, I list three simple things that I appreciate. It might be a bir...
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