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This is Moriah. I know it's been... a while. I know I said I would post more in 2021, but this blog isn't always the most important thing in my life. And I'm learning to accept that is okay. I always come back to it. So as much as I want to share a detailed plan on how I will be posting on this day every week, at this time.... I'm not going to.
That's not what this blog is about anymore. This blog isn't even about my writing anymore. This blog is about me. This blog is about my thoughts and emotions and just the little everyday things that make up my life. Cause guess what? I really love my life right now. It's actually kind of perfect.
Am I perfect?
Not by a long shot. But I'm happy, I'm healthy, and I'm content. Can you really ask anything else from me?
So yeah, that's about it. I took a break from writing, but I'm slowly picking it back up. I may or may not share about it here. I still love my cat more than I probably should. I'm still crazy and messed up. I'm just a little more honest about it. Yes, I get depressed. Yes, some days are really hard.
But I'm still here. Life still has its silver linings.
Thanks for reading. I'll be back later, okay? See you then.
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