Side Characters
Via Pinterest Richard Price and I can't be the only ones who feel this way, can we? At the end of a hard writing day, I can't be the only writer who sits there and whispers, "I'm crazy". Then I remind myself of the following fact, and it makes me feel better. Via Pinterest Between that and this post's subject (yes, it does have one), I'm usually able to ease my craziness for a bit. Today, I want to share the bright spots of my writing: Side Characters. Also know as secondary characters, these are fun and easy for me. They exist for simple purposes and for as little as a scene. That relaxes the pressure of creating a solid character, and I enjoy it more. Via Pinterest This is Bridgit, of The Dragons' Stones . As you can see from the perfect picture, she is a person of authority and is not afraid to use it. She is the Queen of Fire. She rules her kingdom jointly with Nodreck, King of Ice, enforcing her orders through ...