Paper versus Computer

Via Pinterest

What's up with y'all on this September Wednesday? Hopefully, things are cooling off in y'all's areas too. Right now, I'm living the above meme like nobody's business (even if my coffee is room temperature).

Some of y'all may remember my post, Core Drafts. In it, I mentioned that I do most of my writing by hand. Which may strike some of y'all as a little weird. After all, I have a computer and I love trees.Why use paper?

Especially during the holidays. May all the writers out there be able to find some peace and quiet to write this holiday season.  #amwriting #writing #writersproblems #writingproblems #writerslife #authorlife #happyholidays
Via Pinterest

I have my reasons. I believe I've mentioned my love of Pinterest, yes? Good. Well, a computer gives me access to Pinterest. My computer is also the main way I stay in touch with my friends, as well as my blogging platform, Goodreads, and other stuff to boot.

Via Pinterest

And that's how it ends. My book ideas fade away, my writing speed drops, and my story quality suffers. So for me, (as much as I love trees) writing on the computer isn't worth the problems. So for now at least, I'll stick to paper.

After the story's core is on paper and typed up, then I save some trees. Everything that comes and changes and gets deleted from that point on happens on the computer. I personally use Google Docs because it's free, user-friendly, and share-able.

Do you write on paper or by computer? What are your reasons for using that medium? I honestly want to know. Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one who gets distracted by the internet. But I know I'm not.

Am I?

Big four
Via Pinterest

Stop by next week for another character post,okay?


  1. I write on paper first too. I think that one of the reasons that I prefer it that way, is that it takes me longer to get the words from my brain to the paper than from my brain to the keyboard, and so when I write with paper I think through each sentence a bit more. And also, I always have to type it up afterwards, so that ensures that I'm never just leaving it as a first draft--it's always at least a second draft.

    Love your memes! I'm a leetle bit obsessed with Pinterest not getting distracted by it is another great reason to use paper! :)


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