Moving Forward with THE DRAGONS' STONES
From "The Craziness of Me" I'm right there with you, Lin. Sometimes it feels like my coffee is all that's holding me together. That's why I've been posting things like "Please Remember" and "And Empty Space" . Because I'm reminding myself of those things even as I write them. From "To Keep Me Sane" How am I trying again? Y'all may remember from 2019's final post (the one with cute puppy gif) that one of my goals for 2020 was to find an agent for The Dragons' Stones . Well... as an effort to rise and renew, I sent my book to an agent. I really don't know what comes next. I may be accepted. I may be rejected. All I know is I'm trying. I've dreamed of doing this since I was about thirteen years old. Here I am some seven years later, and I've done it. It's the first step to really living my dream. Via Pinterest And that's what this is for me - a small victor...