Not an Official Post
From "Books, Movies, Coffee, Etc." So that's as close as I come to hugging anyone right now. It's kinda sad, actually. (Curse you, CVID-19!!) From "The Craziness of Moriah Snell" I think I'm going to start using this sentence. It's literally awesome. Wander what would be a good way to hand letter it? MMmmm... Anywhooo.... I'm stuck at home and bored. There's nothing toooo ddoooooooooooo!!!!!!! But here's what I'm up to. Buy here I actually picked this up at my local 5Below, and I love it!! I've used it multiple times. Though I was worried about clogging my pores, this has been great for my dry skin. I just rub in into my skin before bed, and my skin feels amazing when I awake up. (Yes, I sleep in it.) Find it here I don't have access to this series at the moment, but I'm craving the characters so bad right now. Does anyone else do that? Crave the comfort and personalities of favorite ch...