
Showing posts from March, 2020

Not an Official Post

From "Books, Movies, Coffee, Etc." So that's as close as I come to hugging anyone right now. It's kinda sad, actually. (Curse you, CVID-19!!) From "The Craziness of Moriah Snell" I think I'm going to start using this sentence. It's literally awesome. Wander what would be a good way to hand letter it? MMmmm... Anywhooo.... I'm stuck at home and bored. There's nothing toooo ddoooooooooooo!!!!!!! But here's what I'm up to. Buy here I actually picked this up at my local 5Below, and I love it!! I've used it multiple times. Though I was worried about clogging my pores, this has been great for my dry skin. I just rub in into my skin before bed, and my skin feels amazing when I awake up. (Yes, I sleep in it.) Find it here I don't have access to this series at the moment, but I'm craving the characters so bad right now. Does anyone else do that? Crave the comfort and personalities of favorite ch...

Building Gratitude

Via Pinterest Anybody else a little tired of their house? On top of everything else, I don't even have access to my books. I have exactly two books to read, and then I go crazy. Via Pinterest But in all seriousness, I'm using this time to develop some good habits in my daily life. (Or I'm trying to anyway.) As some of you know, my word for 2020 is "RENEWAL". I came out of both 2018 and 2019 with a lot of things I didn't like in my life. So for 2020, I really wanted to -  maybe not fix -  but definitely improve. That means better habits, better attitude, and better lifestyle. Part of that is in my writing; part of that is other areas. One of the ways I'm working to reshape is through building gratitude in as many ways as I can. Here's how I work gratitude into my everyday life. 3 Things I'm Grateful for Before I Get out of Bed.  Once I'm good and awake, I list three simple things that I appreciate. It might be a bir...

i didn't weep

Via Pinterest i didn't weep in the shadows i didn't cry in the darkness i didn't weep in the silence i didn't cry in the closet i didn't weep and you didn't hear i didn't cry and you didn't see i didn't weep and you didn't know i didn't cry and you didn't care

Writing for Fun

From "The Craziness of Moriah Snell" So did you google it? Dd you? Google it!!! Google it; I'll wait. .... Isn't that the greatest thing?!?! From "The Craziness of Moriah Snell" Anywhoo.... So... I'm taking a break from The Dragon's Skin . I love it. It's wonderful, but it's hard. I'm struggling a lot with it though. for whatever reason, this sequel is harder than it predecessor. But I'm still writing. I've started another WIP, but I'm not going to tell y'all about it. Why? Because I want this WIP to simply be fun. That's important to me. Maybe it's one of my weird writer things. Maybe I'm delusional, but having this WIP is really helping me. See, this WIP has no pressure. I don't have to make it work. The characters can be a mess; the plot can be full of holes. I LOVE IT!! And because of that freedom, the rest of my writing has eased. I already have fresh ideas ...

The Seasons

Via Pinterest she lives in leaves in sweaters he loves thick snow bright fires she blooms with rain with breezes he swims endless skies cooling lakes

Teaser Tuesdays with DAY AND NIGHT

From "Day and Night" I've mentioned my Snow White retelling before. Day and Night  is a semi-gothic fairy tale set in two kingdoms that are joined by magically-enforced Rules. Ray and Luna rule the kingdoms, and Luna is the narrator of the story. Luna has no heir, but Ray's daughter, Celestia, will inherit her father's throne. Day and Night  is darker than most of my writing. Luna is bitter from years of hurt and betrayal. At this point in her life, she cares for little beyond keeping her kingdom safe. From "Day and Night" So without further ado, here's a teaser from Day and Night . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My night had been long, and I wanted sleep well before the sun had begun to rise. But as I climbed the stairs to my chamber, my mind centered on one thought. Celestia must break the Rules. The Rules were strict, made to enforce the treaty between the Kingdoms, and the...

An Unofficial Post

From "Books, Movies, Coffee, Etc." Here's hoping everyone is having a fabulous March so far and that adulting isn't being a pain. Today's post is light, airy, and random. We'll touch on my fandoms and just have some fun, okay? Let's go!! From "Avengers Assemble" Anybody a fan of Clint because of the comics, not the movies? I'll confess to being behind on the MCU, but I grew up reading comics. Clint is an amazing character. I find this quote of his to be exactly what I need most days. From "Far Over the Misty Mountains" My happy thought right now is that Boromir is responsible for Faramir's happy ending. By saving Merry and Pippin, he enables them to, in turn, save Faramir and Eowyn's lives. (And no, Denethor is NOT responsible; I don't care what happened in the movies!!!) From "My Childhood = Disney" My family now has Disney Plus, and I am loving re-watching the older movies. Some o...

BUT. . .

Via Pinterest Rain hits the window Wind blows the leaves Clouds cover the sky I sit by myself I hide from reality I long for escape Where is the light? Where is the life? Where is my soul? I lost it I have nothing I live in darkness Noise fills the air People fill the house Life does not stop BUT. . . I am not lost I am valued I am still alive Rain dances on glass Wind plays with leaves Clouds renew the sky

Three Books I've Enjoyed Recently

From "Books, Movies, Coffee, Etc." I read a lot of books. I probably read more books than I realize, and that's sad. They blend together in my mind, and I have trouble separating their uniquenesses. So in an effort to  combat that, I have Goodreads. However, I also want to share them here. ~~~ Via Goodreads So I adore Zusak's  The Book Thief  and was so excited when I heard about Bridge of Clay . I wasn't disappointed. Markus Zusak excels in character creations. Every single last person he writes could leap from the pages and into the real world easy. The five Dunbar boys are no exception. They are full of life and hurt and fight. Matthew, the Narrator and the oldest, is probably my favorite, but the title character Clay makes me want to cry every time. This is a flashback heavy book, and it isn't told in chronological order. You see the consequences long before you see the actions. You experience the scars before you see the fresh wo...